Metro Social

working with influencers is fun when the comment section loves your style.

Metro came to our in-house social team at OKRP with the charge to find and work with influencers who were funny and free of bullshit. We said “yes please, those are our favorites.”

AD: Guy Madjar

Yoon cuts off long-winded videos to give you the short-winded conclusion. Perfect for us.


“Only ad I’ve watched to the end 👏👏👏”


“This is a TikTok monetization masterclass. I usually hate ads like this but I was literally 0% annoyed and was left wanting more. Kudos.”

Working with Tom Fell was my first opportunity to get an existential crisis into an ad, but hopefully it won’t be the last.


“This is legit like, the most honest ad, and I find that widely refreshing 😂😂😂”


“This may be the REALEST paid partnership video I’ve seen.”


“I will 100% buy a metro plan after watching this excellent advertisement!”




Joy & Glee